State diploma
State diploma is a document that is given to a student after he or she has graduated from an educational institution. It attests that the student has successfully completed the educational program and obtained certain professional qualification. It gives the right to work in the field of study the student has learnt.
S. Y. Witte Moscow University issues state diplomas to its students:
- A hard-cover diploma containing information on the qualification awarded, the period of study, the educational institution, and the date on which the document was obtained,
- Diploma supplement (official transcript).
Diploma supplement (official transcript) contains the following information:
- List of the disciplines studied by the student and their final grades. The total number of study hours for each discipline is also indicated,
- List of the internships completed by the student. The time spent on each internship and the final grades are indicated,
- List of state examinations and the grades assigned,
- The grade and title of the final graduation thesis prepared by the student.
How can I get a state diploma?
At the S.Y. Witte Moscow State University you can get:
- Specialist diploma, issued upon completion of a specialist diploma program,
- State Bachelor Diploma. Issued after 4 years of study in the corresponding program,
- State master's diploma. It is issued after the completion of a master’s program, the normative duration of which is two years. The Master's degree is the next qualification degree after the Bachelor and can only be obtained after prior study at the Bachelor level.
State diploma is awarded after all the credits and examinations stipulated in the study program have been passed. In addition, a prerequisite for obtaining a state diploma is the completion of practical training, the preparation of the final graduation thesis and passing the final state examination.