S.Y. Witte Moscow University is a safety area.
S.Y. Witte Moscow University pays great attention to the organization of a secure environment on the territory of the university.
Access control based on electronic identification cards: all students and staff as well as guests receive electronic cards which record all entrances and exits, passages between administrative areas.
Audio and video surveillance throughout the university territory to prevent offences such as simple hooliganism as well as more serious crimes (threats, blackmail, extortion, drug trafficking, drinking alcohol).
According to the government decree, tobacco smoking is prohibited on university premises in accordance with the Federal Law 15-FZ dated 23 February 2013 (ed. from April 26,2016) “On Health Protection from Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and the Consequences of Tobacco Consumption”.
Security staff are always on duty: there are guard posts at key points on the campus, with 24-hour shifts organized.
Regular inspections by the FSKN and activities aimed at combating drug trafficking and preventing drug abuse are carried out.
Particular attention is paid to anti-terrorist security and the fight against extremism as part of рамках of the Comprehensive Plan to Counter Terrorist Ideology in the Russian Federation for 2013-2018.
Our university is rightly proud of actively combating all forms of corruption in the educational process. Any employee found to be involved in corrupt schemes will be held accountable in accordance with the law. Students and applicants can report the fact of illegal actions through the anti-corruption hotline, all appeals are considered and checked, official investigations are carried out.