The Department of Law of the S.Y. Witte Moscow University (main branch, Moscow) was founded in 1993. During its existence, the faculty prepared and graduated about 7 thousand students.
2nd floor, room 206
Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9.30 am to 6.15 pm, Fri from 9.30 am to 5 pm.
The monthly schedule can be found on the "Dean's Office Information" poster near room 206.
Phone: 783-68-48, extension 41-17
Ivan N. Lebedev - Dean of the Department
Yakimenko Kristina Valeriouna - Deputy Dean of the Department
40.03.01 Law. Profiles
40.04.01 Law. Profiles
Ensuring the rights of the individual in criminal proceedings
Constitutional law, municipal law. Public Law Lawyer
Legal support for the activities of a corporate lawyer